Bad vibrations is like a virus and it infects anyone within the radius of its negativity
zone. It can make you sick and miserable in no time at all.
● How to tell if your home has bad vibes ?
The very first thing that makes us realise there are bad vibrations in a place is
when we feel uncomfortable or uneasy. Do you want to know how to find bad
vibration in your home? You start asking questions to yourself like what is
making you feel this way? What’s wrong with this place? Why can’t I sleep at
Having a bad feeling about a certain place or even a surrounding area is one of
the most common ways how people notice that there may be something
negative in their environment. People who have strong intuition are usually able
to detect these negative energies because they are more sensitive.
● How do we get rid of bad vibes?
The easiest way to get rid of negativity is to remove the sources that cause it.
Get an outer source of your home if you can, or at least move the object causing
the energy in a diferent place. There are places in your home where negative
energy lingers, attaching itself to the walls and the objects around us. These are
usually spots that have had some energetic event previously, such as a death,
for example.
Tips to get rid of Negativity in your home:
Remove any pictures or other belongings that belonged to someone who has
recently passed away.
Let the sunlight into your home. Sunlight is a natural energiser. If you can’t make
it out into nature, then getting outside and spending some time in the sun is an
excellent way to charge yourself up with positive energy. Learn how to cleanse
homes of bad vibes.
The colour red will absorb any negative energy in the space. Red is an excellent
colour to use if you want to cleanse your home of bad vibes.
Aromatherapy is another useful way to remove any negative energy in your
home. A few drops of peppermint oil, lemon or lavender are all good for getting
rid of bad vibrations.
Try burning some sage as it is a great way of clearing out bad vibes. Sage is also
good for purifying and cleansing your home. Who has the time? There are more
effective ways to get rid of negative energy in your home without spending
hours cleaning and clearing. There are a few simple approaches you can use to
clear out bad vibes from your home, which is much better than simply throwing
stuff away or burning it!
Clear the clutter – Clutter attracts negative energy as it’s not clean and tidy.
It causes stress because we cannot find what we want but don’t get rid of all your clutter. Just focus on removing the clutter from certain rooms, and make sure you do it regularly so that it’s not a huge job – every time you feel like de-cluttering, go for it. Do not touch anything with more than 3 layers of dust in any room (including kitchen). Dust is an accumulator of electromagnetic energy, especially if it is near a power outlet. Clear out old and unused stuff in your cupboards from the kitchen or living room regularly!
Get rid of bad vibes by removing old objects that belonged to someone who
passed away: There are two kinds of energies – positive and negative ones.
Positive energy encourages us todo things, and negative energy discourages us
to do something positive. Some people consider this bad vibrations thing as a
myth but when we think about it it is very logical that there are such energies in
the universe because every organelles of our body has its bio-energy fields.
House cleansing can get rid of everyday negative energies from house or
apartment. – Negative energies or bad vibrations are not that hard to detect.
Most of us have had the experience of being in a place which feels strange, as if
there is something negative about it. You might feel uncomfortable and edgy in
these places, particularly at night, but also during the day when you go for
example to a landlady’s place and see how dirty it is. Sometimes you can feel negative energy in an old house or apartment, which is easy to spot.
Negative energies are not that hard to detect if we know what to look for. I think
most of us have had the experience of being in a place which feels strange as if
there’s something wrong about it. We feel uncomfortable and edgy in these
places at any time of day or night. You might feel especially disturbed when you
are alone, and you become aware of strange noises around the place or even
voices speaking to you. These phenomena often occur in old houses and
apartments. If your house feels odd at night then something is probably amiss
with it.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why negative energy can be released. It is
always a good idea to try and eliminate these negative energies as they are not
good for you.
Want some help on how to find a bad vibration in your home?